Saturday, March 16, 2013

Bloom Day March 2013

Well, after a very long hiatus I'm back to my blog, hopefully on a regular basis and what could be a better time to jump back in  than Bloom day?  I've had an "interesting" winter highlighted by a couple major health problems and I just couldn't seem to find the energy to keep up with my blog. My dear friend Sue of Idyll Haven has been gently nudging me to get back to this so thanks Sue, here I am!

The highlight of my winter has been enjoying many of my tropicals that found a winer home in a friend's greenhouse at Frizzhome Gardens in Bedford, NH.  Lucky me, my friend Howard, who owns the nursery has become a good friend and was willing to keep some of my plants over the winter in exchange for me working in the greenhouse.  What a delight it's been enjoying tropical and tender plants in the middle of  winter. It's the best cure for the winter blues I know of.  Here are some of the blooming beauties we are enjoying in the greenhouse right now.

The real stars of the greenhouse are the abutilons. They love  the light and cool nightime temps and have been pushing out flowers at an amazing rate and blooming non-stop since November.

Abutilon pictum 'Thompsonii'


This beautiful standard of A. Pictum 'Thompsonii' has been blooming nonstop for months

Abutilon Bella Hybrid

A. pictum 'Thompsonii' yellow form

Abutilon 'Vodoo'

We planted these hyacinth bulbs in December

Salvia vanhouttei

This Bird of Paradise has been blooming since December


Cuphea micropetala


Fuchsia 'Claire de Lune'

Brugmansia 'Charles Grimaldi'


Hibiscus 'Snow Queen'

My thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting this monthly event.  If you're looking for a great way to spend a weekend afternoon, head over to her site for a wealth of images of what's blooming in everyone's gardens right now. Cheers!