Well, I've been a bad blogger and have been absent for a very long time. It was a very long, very cold and very depressing winter and I didn't feel I had anything worthwhile to contribute. One more voice complaining about the weather wouldn't have done anything to help anyone else though the season. I normally enjoy the cold and snowy weather and pursue my bird photography which I did and had a great time. It was a great winter for Snowy Owls and I spent a lot of time at the coast with my camera and the beautiful Owls. The problem with last winter is that it just lasted way too long.
Anyway, spring has finally arrived and I've gotten my garden mojo back and am working diligently to fill in the holes in the gardens from the casualties that succumbed to the extreme winter. The best news is that I wintered over my tropical and temperennial collection in a greenhouse so I have lots of very happy campers including and especially my fuchsias. I normally keep them dormant in the basement over the winter and this past season I gave them a short period of dormancy then brought them all to the greenhouse. They are huge and smothered with blossoms at the moment and I hope they don't burn themselves out!
Fuchsia 'Beacon Rosa' standard - this beauty is now ten years old
Fuchsia 'Sunray'
Fuchsia 'Beacon' and 'Beacon Rosa' - This specimen is ten years old
'Beacon Rosa'
'Claire de Lune'
Fuchsia 'Billy Green' standard
Fuchsia 'Beacon'
Fuchsia standard 'Pink Beauty' with Fuchsia 'Jack Shahan' just starting to bloom on the lower right
Fuchsia 'Winston Churchill'
The star of the borders now is my Tree Peony. It's putting on quite a show at the moment and I've been going out and enjoying those blossoms several times a day as they are so short lived. Love them!
So spring has sprung and things are finally taking shape. The tropical container border is looking better than it ever has this early in the season, but that is a subject for another day..... Happy Spring!